DSP Banner AD. Delivery API

10 minute read

InJun Kim

API list

Service Ad product Response format
TARGETPICK standard banner
squre and rectangle

Domain info

Division URL
test Because of security policy, it is provided when test is conducting.
real Because of security policy, it is provided when test is completed.

Ad request

[2.0] {domain}/dsp.mezzo/?ssp_id={ssp_id}

Configure the following in the form of a JSON compliant with OPEN RTB 2.5 and call the above URL in POST format.

Currently, it is defined only for fixed-price trading in OPEN RTB 2.5 specification.
RTB (Real Time Bidding) will be updated in the future.

Request object
Field Type Required Description
id string Y request unique ID
cur string array N ISO-4217-alpha currency for auction. ex: “KRW”.
imp object array Y Refer to imp object.
site object Y Refer to site object.
app object Y Refer to app object.
publisher object Y Refer to publisher object.
device object Y Refer to device object.
user object Y Refer to user object.
at integer Y 0 : fixed price, 1: first price, 2: second price
tmax integer Y Maximum time (ms).
bcat string array N Blocked advertiser categories using the IAB content categories.
badv string array N Block list of advertisers by their domains
bapp string array N Block list of applications by their bundle or package names
Field Type Required Description
id string Y impression unique ID
bidfloor float Y The minimum price that can be approved by bidding. ex)4.12
bidfloorcur string Y currency, ex) ‘KRW’
secure integer Y 0 : http, 1 : https
banner object Y Refer to banner object.
instl integer Y Indicates whether this is a interstitial ad. (default : 0)
* 1 = the ad is interstitial or full screen
* 0 = not interstitial
displaymanager string Y Name of ad mediation partner, SDK technology, or player responsible for rendering ad (typically video or mobile).
displaymanagerver string Y Version of ad mediation partner, SDK technology, or player responsible for rendering ad (typically video or mobile).

imp / banner

Field Type Required Description
w integer Y banner width size
h integer Y banner height size
Field Type Required Description
id string Y site ID
name string N application name
domain string Y site domain
page string N page url
ref string N address of a page just before been to the current page
cat string array N category
Field Type Required Description
id string Y app ID
name string N application name
bundle string Y bundle name, package name
storeurl string N app store URL
cat string array N category
Field Type Required Description
id string Y publisher ID
Field Type Required Description
ua string Y device User Agent
ip string Y IPV4 address
model string N model name
os string Y iOS , Android, mobile_web, pc_web
osv string Y OS version ex) 8.1, 9.2
ifa string Y Apple IFA or Google ADID
geo object N ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 is the country-specific code value specified in ISO 3166-1.
Field Type Required Description
buyeruid string Y Cookie matching id received from Mezzo

Ad request example (APP)

	"id": "req-12345-abcde",
	"imp": [{
		"id": "1",
		"bidfloor": 0,
		"secure": 0,
		"bidfloorcur": "KRW",
		"instl": 0,
		"banner": {
			"w": 320,
			"h": 50,
			"btype": [1, 3, 4]
	"app": {
		"id": "g0r8k3u5",
		"name": "test",
		"bundle": "com.test",
		"storeurl": "http://test.com",
	    "publisher": {
		    "id": "publisher_id"
		"cat": ["IAB3"]
	"device": {
		"ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A334 Safari/7534.48.3",
		"ip": "",
		"ifa": "2B2D9FE6-F84F-4A36-86AA-5C3769DD1082",
		"os": "iOS",
		"osv": "8.1",
		"model": "iPhone6",
	"user": {
      "buyeruid": "923123"

Ad request example (web)

	"id": "req-12345-abcde",
	"imp": [{
		"id": "1",
		"bidfloor": 0,
		"secure": 0,
		"bidfloorcur": "KRW",
		"instl": 0,
		"banner": {
			"w": 320,
			"h": 50,
			"btype": [1, 3, 4]
	"site": {
		"id": "g0r8k3u5",
		"name": "test",
		"site": "gamefocus.co.kr",
		"page": "http://gamefocus.co.kr",
		"ref": "http://www.naver.com",
	    "publisher": {
		    "id": "publisher_id"
		"cat": ["IAB3"]
	"device": {
		"ua": "Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 6_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9A334 Safari/7534.48.3",
		"ip": "",
		"ifa": "2B2D9FE6-F84F-4A36-86AA-5C3769DD1082",
		"os": "iOS",
		"osv": "8.1",
		"model": "iPhone6",
	"user": {
      "buyeruid": "923123"

Ad response

Organize and response advertising information in JSON format based on OPEN RTB 2.3 specification. Currently, only information for fix-price trade is included, RTB (Real Time Biding) will be added soon.

Field Description Required Type
id bid Request ID Y string
bidid bid response ID Y string
cur ISO–4217 code bid currency N string
seatbid seat Bid object Y object array
seat bid qualification code Y string
bid bid object array Y object array
id bid object ID Y string
impid impression object ID Y string
price bid price N float
adm ad markup(markup) Y string
iurl image URL Y string
nurl impression URL Y string
clickurl click URL Y string

Invoke tracking URL after applying Macro

If the value of the response’s nurl, clickurl, and add contains Macro below, respond instead.

Macro Processing
${AUCTION_ID} SSP replaces the macro to the BID Request ID so that the tracking URL is called.
${AUCTION_PRICE} SSP replaces the macro to WIN Price so that the tracking URL is called.
Encoding with an integer greater than 0. (encoding method will be provided)

Ad response example

	"id": "req-12345-abcde",
	"bidid": "mezzomedia",
	"cur": "KRW",
	"seatbid": [{
		"seat": "512",
		"bid": [{
			"id": "147704390800",
			"impid": "1",
			"price": "40",
			"adm": "<html><head><meta name='viewport' content='width=device-width; height=device-height;'><title></title></head><body style='margin:0px;'><style type='text/css'> #mz_first {position:absolute; left:0; top:0};</style><link href='http://abc.com/ad_images/r_main.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' /><div id='mz_wrap' style='text-align:center;background-color:#000000; margin:0 auto; padding:0; text-decoration: none; width:100%;'><article id='mz_article' style='height:50px; margin:0 auto; overflow:hidden; position:relative; width:320px;'><a href='http://abc.com/ad_tracking.mezzo/?e_request_type=click&e_cp=${AUCTION_PRICE}&' target='_blank'><img id='mz_first' src='http://advimg.ad-mapps.com/ad_images/20160329_crewbi_2w_320x50.png' width='320' height='50'></a><div id='mz_beacon' style='position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; visibility:hidden;'><img src='http://abc.com/ad_tracking.mezzo/?e_request_type=imps_tracking&e_cp=${AUCTION_PRICE}&'></div></article></div></body></html>",
			"w": "320",
			"h": "50",
			"iurl": "http://abc.com/ad_images/20160329_abc_320x50.png",
			"nurl": "http://abc.com/ad_tracking.mezzo/?e_request_type=imps_tracking&e_cp=${AUCTION_PRICE}&",
			"ext": {
				"clickurl": "http://abc.com/ad_tracking.mezzo/?e_request_type=click&e_cp=${AUCTION_PRICE}&"

The Web performs ad audience matching through a separate process.

1 SSP provides a URL for cookie matching to DSP.
2 DSP installs the url as a beacon form in advertiser or service page which can do a cookie matching in advance. (at least 2~3 weeks ago before integration)
3 When audience enters the installed page, browser calls the URL(SSP) by placing dsp_uid,
SSP issues cookies with the passed dsp_uid value as ssphost.
4 SSP contains the issued dsp_uid value at the bid request to the DSP.

Ad server error code definition

Code Description
3 invalid parameter (invalid bid request)
4 TARGETPICK setting error (invalid bid request)
5 No ad
98 incorrect tracking information
99 ad server error

HTTP Response Status Code definition

Status Code Description Body
200 normal bidding refer to 2.3.2
204 when giving up bidding Empty body
400 invalid bid request refer to 2.3.3

SKAdNetwork Support(iOS14+)

This information is intended to support campaigns with SKAdNetwork enabled in iOS14 version or above.

1 DSPs should register as an Ad Network to Apple’s SKAdNetwork API.
2 Supply your public key to Apple and set your postback urls.
3 Provide your SKAdNetwork ID to MezzoMedia Manager and
MezzoMedia will get your SKAdNetwork ID(s) added to publishers’ info.plist.
4 If the DSP is responding with a SKAdNetwork enabled campaign, it should respond with SKAdNetwork ID and all relevant fields in the bid response.
5 Advertiser app should be registering its new users to SkAdNetwork via registerAppForAdNetworkAttribution()
6 DSPs should have an install tracking service to handle install data and signature from the SKAdNetwork postback.
Bid Request (SKAdNetwork)

BidRequest / imp / banner / ext / skadn

This object will be populated if all conditions below are met.

1 The DSP has at least one SKAdNetwork ID registered in the publisher’s info.plist.
2 The user’s device is operating on iOS14 or above.
3 The DSP is on MezzoMedia spec.
Attribute Type Required Description Example
version string Y Version of skadnetwork supported. Always “2.0” or higher. “version”:”2.0”
sourceapp string Y ID of publisher app in Apple’s App Store. Should match ‘BidRequest.app.bundle’ “sourceapp”:”000000000”
skadnetids string Y A subset of SKAdNetworkItem entries in the publisher app’s info.plist that are relevant to the DSP. “skadnetids”:[“feyaarzu9v.skadnetwork”]
SKAdNetwork Bid Request Example
        "ext": {
          "skadn": {
            "version": "2.0",
			"sourceapp": "000000000",
			"skadnetids": ["feyaarzu9v.skadnetwork", "8sRFag4vVC.skadnetwork"]
Bid Response (SKAdNetwork)

BidResponse / imp / banner / ext / skadn

Attribute Type Required Description Example
version string Y Version of SKAdNetwork desired. Must be 2.0 or above. “version”:”2.0”
network string Y Ad network identifier used in signature. Should match one of the items in the skadnetids array in the request. “network”:[“feyaarzu9v.skadnetwork”]
campaign string Y Campaign ID compatible with Apple’s spec. As of 2.0, should be an integer between 1 and 100, expressed as a string. “campaign”:”45”
itunesitem string Y ID of advertiser’s app in Apple’s app store. Should match ‘Bidresponse.bid.bundle’ “itunesitem”:”123456789”
nonce string Y An id unique to each ad response. “nonce”:”123b1a78-b5ef-98ad-1234-ab-c4effa00b8”
sourceapp string Y ID of publisher’s app in Apple’s app store. Should match ‘BidRequest.imp.ext.skad.sourceapp’ 과 매칭 “sourceapp”:”000000000”
timestamp string Y Unix time in millis string used at the time of signature. “timestamp”:”1234567890”
signature string Y SKAdNetwork signature as specified by Apple. “signature”:”ABCDEFGHijkl-lmb…”
SKAdNetwork Bid Response Example
	"seatbid": [{
 		"bid": [{
			"ext": {
			"skadn": {
				"version": "2.0",
