Report API for Publisher
9 minute read
Chansup Yang
Basic info
Domain and API keys are provided separately.
Error code
Code |
Description |
000 |
success |
001 |
system error |
002 |
unknown error |
003 |
no permissions |
004 |
non-exist API |
005 |
incorrect Parameter |
006 |
Date must be entered and cannot exceed 3 months |
Banner report
Request URL
Method |
/S-Plus_api/getBannerReport.xml |
Get |
/S-Plus_api/getBannerReport.json |
Get |
Request Parameters
Field |
Type |
Required |
Example |
Description |
String |
Y |
encoded ID |
Auth_Type |
String |
Y |
pub |
authority |
sDate |
Integer |
Y |
20160101 |
report query start date |
eDate |
String |
Y |
20160130 |
report query end date |
B_ServiceType |
Integer |
N |
1 |
0 : ALL |
1 : Mobile_web |
2 : App_android |
3 : App_ios |
4 : App_ETC |
5 : PC_web |
B_Media |
Integer |
N |
10001 |
media ID |
B_Section |
Integer |
N |
80002 |
section ID |
B_Charge |
Integer |
N |
1 |
1 : ALL |
2 : charged |
3 : non-charged |
cross_ad |
Integer |
N |
1 |
0 : cross ad exposed - No |
1 : cross ad exposed - Yes |
group |
String |
N |
media,section |
media : group by media_code |
section : group by section_code |
Respose Fields
Field |
Type |
Example |
Description |
B_Report_Count |
Integer |
1000 |
returned row count |
B_Reports.B_Report |
B_Day |
Integer |
2016-01-01 |
date |
B_Request |
Integer |
1000 |
ad request count |
B_Delivery |
Integer |
1000 |
ad delivey count |
B_Imp |
Integer |
1000 |
impression count |
B_Click |
Integer |
1000 |
click count |
String |
1.27% |
click through ratio |
B_FillRate |
Float |
98.11 |
impression ratio based on request |
B_ExpectedCost |
Integer |
1372 |
expected cost |
B_Media |
Integer |
30000 |
media_code ( Returns if the media is in the group parameter. ) |
B_Section |
Integer |
800000 |
section_code ( Returns if the section is in the group parameter. ) |
B_Reports.B_Report.B_C_Lists.B_C_List |
return if cross_ad parameter is 1 |
B_C_Product_Name |
String |
전면배너 |
cross ad product name |
B_C_Delivery |
Integer |
500 |
cross ad delivey count |
B_C_Imp |
Integer |
500 |
cross ad impression count |
B_C_Click |
Integer |
500 |
cross ad click count |
String |
1.11% |
cross ad click through ratio |
B_C_ExpectedCost |
Integer |
772 |
cross ad expected cost |
Respose Sample (base)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<B_Day>2016-01-01 00:00</B_Day>
<!-- Return based on group parameter value -->
<!-- Return based on group parameter value -->
Respose Sample (cross ad)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<B_Day>2016-01-01 00:00</B_Day>
<!-- Return based on group parameter value -->
<!-- Return based on group parameter value -->
Movie report
Request URL
Method |
/S-Plus_api/getMovieReport.xml |
Get |
/S-Plus_api/getMovieReport.json |
Get |
Request Parameters
Field |
Type |
Required |
Example |
Description |
String |
Y |
encoded ID |
Auth_Type |
String |
Y |
pub |
authority |
sDate |
Integer |
Y |
20160101 |
report query start date |
eDate |
String |
Y |
20160130 |
report query end date |
M_ServiceType |
Integer |
Y |
1 |
0 : ALL |
1 : Mobile_web |
2 : App_android |
3 : App_ios |
4 : App_ETC |
5 : PC_web |
M_Media |
Integer |
N |
10001 |
media code |
M_Section |
Integer |
N |
80002 |
section code |
M_Charge |
Integer |
Y |
1 |
1 : ALL |
2 : charge |
3 : non-charge |
cross_ad |
Integer |
N |
1 |
0 : cross ad exposed - No |
1 : cross ad exposed - Yes |
group |
String |
N |
media,section |
media : group by media_code |
section : group by section_code |
Respose Fields
Field |
Type |
Example |
Description |
M_Report_Count |
Integer |
1000 |
returned row count |
M_Reports.M_Report |
M_Day |
String |
2016-01-01 |
date |
M_Request |
Integer |
1000 |
ad request count |
M_Delivery |
Integer |
1000 |
ad delivery count |
M_Imp |
Integer |
1000 |
impression count |
M_ImpP |
Integer |
1000 |
impression+ count |
M_View |
Integer |
1000 |
view count |
M_Click |
Integer |
1000 |
click count |
String |
1.11% |
click through ratio |
String |
1.11% |
click through ratio based on impression+ |
String |
90.45% |
view through ratio based on impression |
String |
90.45% |
view through ratio based on impression+ |
M_FillRate |
String |
23.87% |
impression through ratio based on request |
M_FillRateP |
String |
23.87% |
impression+ through ratio based on request |
M_Sub_1Q |
Integer |
1000 |
movie start count |
M_Sub_2Q |
Integer |
1000 |
movie 25% played count |
M_Sub_3Q |
Integer |
1000 |
movie 50% played count |
M_Sub_4Q |
Integer |
1000 |
movie 75% played count |
M_Sub_5Q |
Integer |
1000 |
movie 100% played count |
M_ExpectedCost |
Integer |
1372 |
expected cost |
M_Media |
Integer |
30000 |
media_code ( Returns if the media is in the group parameter. ) |
M_Section |
Integer |
800000 |
section_code ( Returns if the section is in the group parameter. ) |
M_Reports.M_Report.M_C_Lists.M_C_List |
return if cross_ad parameter is 1 |
M_C_Product_Name |
String |
전면배너 |
cross ad product name |
M_C_Delivery |
Integer |
1000 |
cross ad delivery count |
M_C_Imp |
Integer |
1000 |
cross ad impression count |
M_C_ImpP |
Integer |
1000 |
cross ad impression+ count |
M_C_View |
Integer |
1000 |
cross ad view count |
M_C_Click |
Integer |
1000 |
cross ad click count |
String |
1.11% |
cross ad click through ratio |
String |
1.11% |
cross ad click through ratio based on impression+ |
String |
90.45% |
cross ad view through ratio based on impression |
String |
90.45% |
cross ad view through ratio based on impression+ |
M_C_FillRate |
String |
23.87% |
cross ad impression through ratio based on request |
M_C_FillRateP |
String |
23.87% |
cross ad impression+ through ratio based on request |
M_C_Sub_1Q |
Integer |
1000 |
cross ad movie start count |
M_C_Sub_2Q |
Integer |
1000 |
cross ad movie 25% played count |
M_C_Sub_3Q |
Integer |
1000 |
cross ad movie 50% played count |
M_C_Sub_4Q |
Integer |
1000 |
cross ad movie 75% played count |
M_C_Sub_5Q |
Integer |
1000 |
cross ad movie 100% played count |
M_C_ExpectedCost |
Integer |
1372 |
cross ad expected cost |
Respose Sample (일반)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<M_Day>2016-01-01 00:00</M_Day>
<!-- Return based on group parameter value -->
<!-- Return based on group parameter value -->
Respose Sample (교차상품)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Return based on group parameter value -->
<!-- Return based on group parameter value -->
Finance report
Request URL
Method |
/S-Plus_api/getCalReport.xml |
Get |
/S-Plus_api/getCalReport.json |
Get |
Request Parameters
Field |
Type |
Required |
Example |
Description |
String |
Y |
encoded ID |
Auth_Type |
String |
Y |
pub |
authority |
C_Year |
Integer |
Y |
2016 |
year |
Respose Fields
Field |
Type |
Example |
Description |
C_CalReport_Count |
Integer |
10 |
returned row count |
C_CalReports.B_CalReport |
C_YearMonth |
Integer |
201601 |
settlement year & month |
C_CalType |
String |
Net |
settlement method (e.g net, gross) |
C_CalEstimate |
Integer |
1000 |
estimate amount |
C_CalAdjustment |
Integer |
1000 |
adjustment amount |
C_AdjCause |
Varchar |
re-adjustment |
reason for adjustment |
C_sMonthRev |
Integer |
1000 |
renevue for the month |
C_CarryOverRev |
Integer |
1000 |
carry-over revenue |
C_CalPossible |
Integer |
1000 |
month revenue + carry-over revenue |
C_CalFinal |
Integer |
1000 |
final amount |
Respose Sample
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>