Report API for Rep

14 minute read

Chansup Yang

Basic info

Domain and API keys are provided separately.

List type
List ListType
campaign list C
ad group list AG
ad list AD
Error code
Code Description
000 success
001 system error
002 unknown error
003 no permissions
004 non-exist API
005 incorrect Parameter
006 Date must be entered and cannot exceed 3 months

All campaign list

Request URL
URL Method
/S-Plus_api/getCampaignListAll.xml Get
/S-Plus_api/getCampaignListAll.json Get
Request Parameters
Field Type Required Example Description
USER String Y XXXXXX encoded ID
Auth_Type String Y rep authority
sDate Integer Y 20160101 campaign start date
eDate Integer Y 20160131 campaign end date
Respose Fields
Field Type Example Description
AllCam_Count Integer 100 returned row count
AllCam_No Integer 12345 campaign ID
AllCam_Status String play play, pause, ready, complete, delete
AllCam_Name String Mezzo_testcampaign campaign name
AllCam_sDate String 2016-01-01 00:00 campaign start date
AllCam_eDate String 2016-01-01 00:00 campaign end date
AllCam_Imp Integer 1000 impression count
AllCam_ImpP Integer 1000 impression+ count
AllCam_Click Integer 1000 click count
AllCam_CTR Integer 1000 click-through ratio
AllCam_CTRP Integer 1000 click-through ratio based on impression+
Respose Sample
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
                                <AllCam_sDate> 2016-01-01 00:00</AllCam_sDate>
                                <AllCam_eDate> 2016-01-01 00:00 </AllCam_eDate>
                                <AllCam_Imp> 1000 </AllCam_Imp>
                                <AllCam_ImpP> 1000 </AllCam_ImpP>
                                <AllCam_Click> 1000 </AllCam_Click>
                                <AllCam_CTR> 1000 </AllCam_CTR>
                                <AllCam_CTRP> 1000 </AllCam_CTRP>

Campaign list

Request URL
URL Method
/S-Plus_api/getCampaignList.xml Get
/S-Plus_api/getCampaignList.json Get
Request Parameters
Field Type Required Example Description
USER String Y XXXXXX encoded ID
Auth_Type String Y rep authority
Cam_No Integer Y 12345 campaign ID
sDate Integer Y 20160101 campaign start date
eDate Integer Y 20160131 campaign end date
Respose Fields
Field Type Example Description
Cam_Count Integer 100 returned row count
Cam_Name String Mezzo_testcampaign campaign name
CamInfo_Goal Integer 100 campaign goal
CamInfo_sDate Integer 2016-01-01 0:00 campaign start date
CamInfo_eDate String 2016-01-01 0:00 campaign end date
CamInfo_Status String play play, pause, ready, complete, delete
CamInfo_tBudjet Integer 10000000 campaign total budget
CamInfo_Brand String Mezzo campaign brand
CamInfo_Category String IT campaign category
CamInfo_Agency String AAA campaign agency
CamInfo_Agency2 String BBB campaign sub agency
CamInfo_Rep String CCC campaign media agency
Cam_Daily String 2016-01-01 date
Cam_Imp Integer 1000 impression count
Cam_Click Integer 1000 click count
Cam_CTR Integer 1000 click through ratio
Cam_CPC Integer 1000 cost per click
Cam_CPM Integer 1000 cost per 1,000 impresesions
Cam_CPV Integer 1000 cost per view
Respose Sample
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
                                <AllCam_sDate> 2016-01-01 00:00</AllCam_sDate>
                                <AllCam_eDate> 2016-01-01 00:00 </AllCam_eDate>
                                <AllCam_Imp> 1000 </AllCam_Imp>
                                <AllCam_ImpP> 1000 </AllCam_ImpP>
                                <AllCam_Click> 1000 </AllCam_Click>
                                <AllCam_CTR> 1000 </AllCam_CTR>
                                <AllCam_CTRP> 1000 </AllCam_CTRP>
                                <AllCam_CV> 1000 </AllCam_CV>
                                <AllCam_CVR> 1000 </AllCam_CVR>

Ad group list

Request URL
URL Method
/S-Plus_api/getADGroupList.xml Get
/S-Plus_api/getADGroupList.json Get
Request Parameters
Main Request

Using Cam_No returned through the Campaign List API, request a list of ad groups belong to the campaign.

Field Type Required Example Description
USER String Y XXXXXX encoded ID
Auth_Type String Y rep authority
Cam_No Integer Y 12345 campaign ID
sDate Integer Y 20160101 report query start date
eDate String Y 20160130 report query end date
AGP Integer N 00001 ad group list count
Sub Request

Using AG_No and AG_Product_Type returned through the Main Request, request a specific report of the ad group.

Field Type Required Example Description
USER String Y XXXXXX encoded ID
Auth_Type String Y rep authority
sDate Integer Y 20160101 report query start date
eDate String Y 20160130 report query end date
Cam_No Integer Y 12345 campaign ID
AG_No Integer Y 00001 ad group ID
AG_Product_Type String Y banner banner, movie, native
Respose Fields
Main Respose
Field Type Example Description
AG_Count Integer 100 returned row count
AG_No Integer 00001 ad group ID
AG_Name String mezzo_test_banner ad group name
AG_Status String play play, pause, ready, complete, delete
AG_Product_Type String Banner banner, movie, native
AG_Product String banner_320X50 banner_320X50
      naver banner_640_240
AG_Imp String 1000 impression count
AG_ImpP String 1000 impression+ count
AG_Click String 1000 click count
AG_CTR String 1000 click through ratio
AG_CTRP String 1000 click through ratio based on impression+
AG_CV String 1000 conversion (install) count
AG_CVR String 1000 conversion ratio based on click
Sub Response

AG_Product_Type : banner

Field Type Example Description
AG_Sub_B_Count Integer 100 returned row count
Cam_No Integer 12345 campaign ID
AG_No Integer XXXXXXX ad group ID
AG_Sub_Date String 2016-01-01 00:00 date
AG_Sub_Imp String 1000 impression count
AG_Sub_Click String 1000 click count
AG_Sub_CTR String 1000 click through ratio
AG_Sub_CV String 1000 conversion (install) count
AG_Sub_CVR String 1000 conversion ratio based on click

AG_Product_Type : movie

Field Type Example Description
AG_Sub_M_Count Integer 100 returned row count
Cam_No Integer 12345 campaign ID
AG_No Integer XXXXXXX ad group ID
AG_Sub_Date String 2016-01-01 00:00 date
AG_Sub_Imp Integer 1000 impression count
AG_Sub_ImpP Integer 1000 impression+ count
AG_Sub_View Integer 1000 view count
AG_Sub_Click Integer 1000 click count
AG_Sub_CTR Integer 1000 click through ratio
AG_Sub_CTRP Integer 1000 click through ratio based on impression+
AG_Sub_VTR Integer 1000 view through ratio based on impression
AG_Sub_VTRP Integer 1000 view through ratio based on impression+
AG_Sub_CVTR Integer 1000 click and view through ratio based on impression
AG_Sub_CVTRP Integer 1000 click and view through ratio based on impression+
AG_Sub_Start Integer 1000 movie start count
AG_Sub_1Q Integer 1000 movie 25% played count
AG_Sub_2Q Integer 1000 movie 50% played count
AG_Sub_3Q Integer 1000 movie 75% played count
AG_Sub_Complete Integer 1000 movie 100% played count
Respose Sample
Main Response Sample
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Sub Response Sample

AG_Product_Type : banner

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                <Cam_No>1234 </Cam_No>
                <AG_Sub_Date>2016-01-01 00:00</AG_Sub_Date>

AG_Product_Type : movie

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                <AG_Sub_Date>2016-01-01 00:00</AG_Sub_Date>

Ad list

Request URL
URL Method
/S-Plus_api/getADList.xml Get
/S-Plus_api/getADList.json Get
Request Parameters
Main Request

Using Cam_No returned through the Campaign List API, request a list of ad belong to the campaign.

Field Type Required Example Description
USER String Y XXXXXX encoded ID
Auth_Type String Y rep authority
Cam_No Integer Y 12345 campaign ID
sDate Integer Y 20160101 report query start date
eDate String Y 20160130 report query end date
ADP Integer N 00001 ad list count
Sub Request

Using AD_No and AD_Product_Type returned through the Main Request, request a specific report of the ad.

Field Type Required Example Description
USER String Y XXXXXX encoded ID
Auth_Type String Y rep authority
sDate Integer Y 20160101 report query start date
eDate String Y 20160130 report query end date
Cam_No Integer Y 12345 campaign ID
AD_No Integer Y 00001 ad group ID
AD_Product_Type String Y banner banner, movie, native
Respose Fields
Main Respose
Field Type Example Description
AD_Count Integer 100 returned row count
AD_No Integer 1 ad group ID
AD_Name String Mezzo_test_banner ad group name
AD_Status String play play, pause, ready, complete, delete
AD_Product_Type String Banner banner, motive, native
AD_Product String banner_320X50 banner_320X50
      naver banner_640_240
AD_imgURL String banner creative path
AD_movieURL String movie creative path
AD_Imp String 1000 impression count
AD_ImpP String 1000 impression+ count
AD_Click String 1000 click count
AD_CTR String 1000 click through ratio
AD_CTRP String 1000 click through ratio based on impression+
AD_CV String 1000 conversion (install) count
AD_CVR String 1000 conversion ratio based on click
Sub Response

AD_Product_Type : banner

Field Type Example Description
AD_Sub_B_Count Integer 100 returned row count
Cam_No Integer 12345 campaign ID
AD_No Integer 12345 ad ID
AD_Sub_Date String 2016-01-01 00:00 date
AD_Sub_Imp String 1000 impression count
AD_Sub_Click String 1000 click count
AD_Sub_CTR String 1000 click through ratio
AD_Sub_CV String 1000 conversion (install) count
AD_Sub_CVR String 1000 conversion ratio based on click

AD_Product_Type : movie

Field Type Example Description
AD_Sub_M_Count Integer 100 returned row count
Cam_No Integer 12345 campaign ID
AD_No Integer XXXXXXX ad ID
AD_Sub_Date String 2016-01-01 00:00 date
AD_Sub_Imp Integer 1000 impression count
AD_Sub_ImpP Integer 1000 impression+ count
AD_Sub_View Integer 1000 view count
AD_Sub_Click Integer 1000 click count
AD_Sub_CTR Integer 1000 click through ratio
AD_Sub_CTRP Integer 1000 click through ratio based on impression+
AD_Sub_VTR Integer 1000 view through ratio based on impression
AD_Sub_VTRP Integer 1000 view through ratio based on impression+
AD_Sub_CVTR Integer 1000 click and view through ratio based on impression
AD_Sub_CVTRP Integer 1000 click and view through ratio based on impression+
AD_Sub_Start Integer 1000 movie start count
AD_Sub_1Q Integer 1000 movie 25% played count
AD_Sub_2Q Integer 1000 movie 50% played count
AD_Sub_3Q Integer 1000 movie 75% played count
AD_Sub_Complete Integer 1000 movie 100% played count
Respose Sample
Main Response Sample
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
Sub Response Sample

AG_Product_Type : banner

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                <Cam_No>1234 </Cam_No>
                <AD_Sub_Date>2016-01-01 00:00</AD_Sub_Date>

AG_Product_Type : movie

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
                <AD_Sub_Date>2016-01-01 00:00</AD_Sub_Date>
