Getting Started

less than 1 minute read

Chansup Yang

The advertising solutions offered by MezzoMedia include TARGETPICK, which provides banner advertising, and TARGETPICK VIDEO, which provides video advertising. We provide APIs that send advertisements.

AD type Path Version explication
banner GO 0.1 As TARGETPICK’s own advertising API,
noad is generated
when the stock runs out.
video GO 0.1 As TARGETPICK VIDEO’s own advertising API,
noad is generated
when the stock is exhausted.
banner (SSP) GO 0.1 As a TARGETPICK affiliated DSP (external advertising) API,
it is called
when a TARGETPICK noad occurs
to help increase F / R.
video (SSP) GO 0.1 As a TARGETPICK VIDEO affiliated DSP (external advertisement) API,
it is called
when a TARGETPICK VIDEO noad occurs
to help increase F / R.
